Thursday, October 10, 2013


We are partnering with Apparent Project for our first Adoption fundraiser.  They have sent us bracelets and ornaments that are made in Haiti by artisans who are trying to make a good living and keep their family together.  Half of your donation goes to our adoption fund, half goes to the artisans in Haiti.  Let us know if you are interested in purchasing some.  If you have a color preference, some of the bracelets lean towards red, yellow, orange, green, teal, blue, brown or white.
This fundraiser ends when we run out or Nov 20th.
Bracelets $8 each 
Beads made from cereal boxes, elastic cord and glass beads.

Ornaments $10 each
Made from oil barrels
Check out their website at

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Working on Dossier

We are currently working on our Dossier (legal paperwork) and hope to be sending it to Haiti in the next month or so.  Once that arrives in Haiti and receives necessary approvals, then we will be given our "referral".  We are not exactly sure on the timeline for that yet, as Haiti did approve their adoption law, but we do not know yet how that will affect us.  Hopefully we will have more frequent posts in the next few months.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Moving along bit by bit

Finally another update!  We have the last piece of paperwork that was needed to complete our homestudy.  Hopefully this will get the ball rolling and we will have more to share over the summer!

Continue to pray as the Haiti government revamps their adoption laws in the upcoming weeks.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


It has been a LONG time since we posted, mostly because there is no news.  The Haiti government has been revamping things and getting things in order to implement Hague procedures in order to make/keep adoptions and children safe.

We have been working on getting our homestudy completed and received the first draft of that last week.

Prayer request:  that we would be patient in the Lord's perfect timing.